
Next steps

  1. Combine a whole list into a single calendar file that you can subscribe to in your own calendar app (such as iCal on your mac). This combined calendar should be a shorter version of what is happening in the week: "Today 3 openings". It should be a small and unintrusive version of all the calendars you are interested in, so that you get updates without visiting this website.
  2. Make an alternative visualization to this traditional boring calendar to show that this data can be used differently. An actually good looking, and less utilitarian, version.
  3. Show a lock symbol for calendars linked from a website, and an unlocked symbol for the 'loose' calendars (calendars not linked from a website). The lock symbol means that a calendar is proven to be the official calendar from a certain website.
  4. A form of of mock licensing scheme to help the discussion whether this is possible to achieve. Typically the calendar authors would want to restrict things, such as, not for commercial use, not allowed to change the data, not allowed to keep a copy for longer than X days, etc.

Future plans

  1. Find a legal framework for how the data use can be restricted (max time of retaining a copy, allowed to edit, attribution, etc)
  2. Look into how events can be geolocated, so that you can filter on events near you
  3. Create an alternative calendar app that merges your own personal calendar with the public ones you're interested in. It would be an interesting design-task to look into how this can be weighted to avoid clutter. It could become a way to negotiate your own attention.